Enhanced Audience Selection

BluFalcon analyzes the demographics, psychographics, and proximity of each practice's current patients and pinpoints their best look-alike prospects.

Enhanced Audience Selection

Serve Optimized Digital Ads with Practice Branding

BluFalcon serves prospects with pre-approved digital ads featuring practice-designated offers and branding, and optimizes their distribution to achieve appointment targets.

Sample Emails

Sample Social Media Ads

Sample Display Ads

Monitor Campaign Performance with Dashboards

Monitor key performance indicators through a simple dashboard.

15 Participating Practices
1,200 New Patients
Current Year ROI $6.25
Lifetime ROI $43.07
Cost Per New Patient Appointment $65.00


875 3rd Ave, 6th floor

New York, NY 10022

212.679.1411 | dso@usadata.com

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